Tuesday, December 22, 2015

6 Ways To Word Your Wedding Invitations

There are 100's of ways you can word your wedding invitation. Here are a few quick examples of different ways you can make your big announcement.

Here are a few traditional examples:

Mrs. and Mrs. David Williams Are Pleased to Announce the Marriage of Their Daughter

Rebecca Marie To David Lee Richards

Son of
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Richards

On The Fourth of April, Two Thousand and Thirteen at Seven O’clock in the Evening United Church of Christ 15 S Ft Thomas Avenue Fort Thomas, Kentucky The honor of your reply is requested by the first day of May, two thousand and sixteen 1-888-902-3011 x.1001 or www.sendrsvp.com/1001
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Griggs Have The Honor of Announcing The Marriage of Their Daughter Kaitlyn Marie Griggs To Brian Lawrence Calhoun Son of Mr. David Calhoun and Ms. Terry Dunn On Saturday, The Second day of January Two Thousand and Thirteen at Half Past Six O’clock in the Evening St. Peters Cathedral
325 W 8th Street Cincinnati, Ohio
The honor of your reply is requested by the first day of May, two thousand and sixteen 1-888-902-3011 x.1001 or www.sendrsvp.com/1001


Mr. and Mrs. David Johnson
invite you to celebrate the marriage of their daughter

Jennifer Emma
Michael Thomas Perry Jr.

Son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Perry Thompson Sr.

The Fifteenth Day of September
Two Thousand and Thirteen
at Seven O’Clock in the Evening

St. Peters Cathedral
325 W 8th Street Cincinnati, Ohio
The honor of your reply is requested by the first day of May, two thousand and sixteen 1-888-902-3011 x.1001 or www.sendrsvp.com/1001

Here are a few examples for couples who are paying for their own wedding, or who simply don't want to deal with the complexities of who's names to include:
Together with our families, we Nicole Kathleen Duke and Patrick Harris Roth Request the honor of your presence as we are joined in marriage Friday, the twenty-sixth day of March Two thousand and thirteen at half past five o’clock in the evening
United Church of Christ 15 S Ft Thomas Avenue Fort Thomas, Kentucky The honor of your reply is requested by the first day of May, two thousand and sixteen 1-888-902-3011 x.1001 or www.sendrsvp.com/1001


Lori Lee Hampton And Jason Perry Baker Together With Our Parents Invite you to Share The Beginning of our new life together When we exchange marriage vows Saturday, The Twelfth of September Two-Thousand and Thirteen at Half Past Six O’clock in the Evening
St. Peters Cathedral
325 W 8th Street Cincinnati, Ohio
The honor of your reply is requested by the first day of May, two thousand and sixteen 1-888-902-3011 x.1001 or www.sendrsvp.com/1001

Alexandra Dee Jones and Douglas Alfred Gastright Request the honor of your presence at the celebration of their marriage Saturday, the fourteenth of May Two Thousand and Thirteen at half past six o’clock in the evening

United Church of Christ 15 S Ft Thomas Avenue Fort Thomas, Kentucky The honor of your reply is requested by the first day of May, two thousand and sixteen 1-888-902-3011 x.1001 or www.sendrsvp.com/1001

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