Saturday, June 11, 2011

Here are some frequently asked questions about RSVPs.

1. How should I word the RSVP on my invitation or reply card?
"Please RSVP by May 9, 2011"
"Response requested by May 9, 2011"

2. How much time should I give guests to RSVP?
Most catering and event halls ask for a minimum of 2 weeks notice for the final head count. At RSVP services, we require 3 weeks, to allow us enough time to contact guests who haven't responded. (
3. How do I address invitations to families, couples and singles?

Families: Address the outer envelope to the parents (Mr. & Mrs. David Smith) and the inner envelope to all, so that it reads:
"David and Susan Smith
Sean, Ryan and Sarah"
Married couples: "Mr. & Mrs. David Smith"
A married couple in which the woman has kept her name/ non-married couples: "Ms. Susan Jones & Mr. David Smith"
Singles: "Mr. David Smith & Guest"
A widow: "Mrs. David Smith"
A divorced woman: "Ms. Susan Smith" (or maiden name if she's reclaimed it)
Doctors: "Dr. & Mrs. Smith" (if he's a doc)
                "Dr. & Mr. Smith" (if she's the doc)
                "The Doctors Smith" or "Drs. David & Susan Smith" (if both are docs)

All About RSVPs -- what does RSVP mean?

The term "RSVP" is an acronym for the French phrase, repondez s'il vous plait, meaning "respond if you please." Another polite way to phrase this on an invitation is "response requested."

Responding is an important courtesy. Event hosts count on receiving RSVPs so that they know how many guests to anticipate, which helps them to make seating and catering arrangements. It's also an opportunity for guests to share important information with the hosts ahead of time, such as dietary restrictions or food allergies.